Just came back to Denmark from Iceland. The trip went much better than expected (I am gifted with a great skill of getting lost). Fortunately Stine was a fanatic on maps and all I had to do was tell her where I wanted to take us and see figured out the "best" possible way......although.....she often didn't realize that the roads in the middle of the country are not worthy of being called roads most of the time. Why I didn't realize that, being born and raced in Iceland, I can not explain at this point, ehemm.
That slowed us down quite a bit but time was one of the things we had the most of...and all that theese bumpy, rocky, lava roads did was bringing us many, many, crazy adventures and breasts hanging quite a bit more then they did before the trip. For a road trip in Iceland I recommend double sports bra for the ladies and the rounded gentlemen.
London will be mine from Wednesday onwards...at least for August, jííhaaaaaa !